Advancing Humanity
The future is ours to create. Whether it’s a driverless car, VR experience, or factory robotics, we help turn theory into possibility. We help create technological devices and ideas that transform our future and shape our current life.
KLA is proud to be part of the most significant technological breakthroughs. Virtually no laptop, smartphone, wearable device, voice-controlled gadget, flexible screen, VR device or smart car would have made it into your hands without us.
We believe in the power of technology to make this world a brighter place. We are excited by all that humanity can achieve.
We Are
A global technology leader. We make an impact by creating solutions that drive progress and transform industries. Collaboration is the key to our success.
We Provide
Leading-edge technology and devices using advanced inspection tools, metrology systems, and computational analytics. Our solutions accelerate tomorrow’s electronic devices.
We Enable
The evolution and innovation in the data era across key industries including automotive, mobile and data center.
Business Snapshot
as of August 4, 2023


Global Employees

CY2022 R&D
(23% increase over 2021)

CY2022 Revenue
Why Join Us
Global Footprint
We are a multinational company with ~14,000 employees and offices all around the world. We believe that innovation thrives in a diverse environment built on communication, understanding, global culture, skills and knowledge.

How We Do It
We inhabit two worlds: one that’s nanometers in scale and one that’s global. This micro and macro view gives us a unique perspective. We see electrons wave and industries transform. When you put deep science together with optimism, big things happen.
Last year we invested 15% of sales back into R&D, exceeding industry standards. That’s a measure of our commitment to solving the most daunting technical challenges. From our ground-breaking mask inspection tool in 1975 that signaled the dawn of semiconductor process control, to today’s broadband plasma technology that discovers defects at the speed of light, we like to arrive first.
Active collaboration multiplies agile thinking. We put this approach into practice at strategic, technical and operational levels with our partners. Working side-by-side both geographically and intellectually, we maximize discovery and solutions.

We have a proven ability to go from concept to global marketplace. We invent in-house, make strategic acquisitions and share technology across systems to diversify our perspectives and widen the range of our solutions. Comprehensive service programs keep it all optimized.
Company Highlights
KLA Announces June Quarter Earnings
Jul 27, 2023
The infographic below highlights KLA’s key financial information from the earnings report for the June quarter, as well as commentary...
Ahmad Khan, President, Semiconductor Process Control, Discusses how We Build on the Energy of SEMICON West
Jul 26, 2023
The semiconductor industry’s largest events have evolved to offer more than just forums for meeting, listening and learning. SEMICON West...
Meet Yanghyong Kim, New KLA Korea Country President
Jun 15, 2023
Industry veteran Yanghyong Kim is the new country president of KLA Korea, bringing almost three decades of deep experience on...
Accelerating Innovation in the Automotive Industry: By KLA President and CEO Rick Wallace
May 16, 2023
I have just finished an exciting day at imec’s signature event, the ITF-World in Belgium. For those who don’t know,...
KLA Announces First Quarter Earnings
Apr 26, 2023
The infographic below highlights KLA’s key financial information from the earnings report for the first quarter, as well as commentary...
Insights from our Innovators: Dr. Chet Lenox Discusses an Automotive Industry Shifting Gears
Apr 18, 2023
The global automotive industry is in the early stages of a revolutionary shift away from internal combustion engines and an...
We support a range of community and charitable initiatives with funding and volunteer opportunities: STEM education, health and wellness programs, local aid and international disaster relief. We sponsor the Second Harvest Food Bank in Santa Clara County and fight river blindness in Africa. Not for profit, just for humanity.
Make the World a Better Place
We believe that technology has a meaningful and positive impact on the world. How technology can change our societies for the better? What greater good can be achieved by harnessing exceptional thinking to promote exponential technological innovation? Those are the questions that inspire us to evolve. Discover How You Can Advance Humanity.

Environmental, Social and Governance
Making an impact that contributes to advancing humanity has long been a part of the KLA DNA, and we remain committed to our purpose in everything we do – through leadership, opportunity, innovation and stewardship.

Anti-Bribery Policy
Compliance with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws is a mandate for all our business partners
Environmental, Health & Safety Policy
KLA is dedicated to complying with the appropriate and relevant environmental, health & safety laws and standards such that its worldwide operations, including product development, sales, service and maintenance, are conducted in an environmentally responsible manner.
Supply Chain Product Compliance
We actively seek to foster business relationships with suppliers who offer goods and services that meet KLA’s standards including product regulatory requirements and anti-virus requirements.
Reporting Portal
We all have the responsibility to report any behavior that violates our Standards of Business Conduct (SoBC). You are encouraged to ask questions, seek guidance, report suspected violations and express any concerns about compliance with your KLA contact or via our EthicsPoint reporting portal.
Visit EthicsPoint
KLA works closely with its supply chain to drive innovation, partnership and continuous improvement.
Learn more about KLA Supply Chain Information